About Riparian mixed forests Danube Delta
Mixed riparian forests with riverside meadow oaks and a mixture of ashes are specific for the areas near great rivers with natural banks.
In the Danube’s Delta, this type of habitat is very rare and it can be scarcely found inside the Letea and Caraorman forests. They gather species such as the riverside meadow oak, the ash and the elm.
Generally, they are species which tolerate long term floods. During spring and during autumn, the great rivers overflow and the flooding water has the mission to revive the ecosystem. When the farming areas were next to the river, the Danube’s overflows triggered a natural fertilization of the soil.
Another negative effect of the Danube’s embankment has been cast upon the fish population, which used the overflows during their reproductive process. The cyprinids and the carps used flooded areas to lay their roe and some birds used these areas to feed. Specialists appreciate the fact that local fisherman are aware of the fact that overflows are stabile habitats for fish reproduction.