Palace of Culture Arad
About Palace of Culture Arad
The archeology and history department contains 15 exhibition halls placed on the first and second floors of the Palace of Culture. Over 2000 exhibits illustrate the evolution of the Arad area in Romania’s historical context, from the first traces of human presence until the instauration of the communist regime.
The most important pieces of the archeology collection are displayed in the first seven halls. Their majority comes from archaeological research made by the institutions specialists and contributors in the last century.
The four exhibition halls of the natural science department enjoy the most visitors. In the first hall, our knowledge of the universe is illustrated through suggestive photo collages that represent galaxies, super galaxies, supernovas and our solar system. A series of models of rockets and space ships highlight the most important steps in of the astronautics evolutionin the second half of the XX-th century.
The main sector of the exhibition is represented by the mineralogical and ecological collection. Samples that illustrate all the mineral classes specific to the west and nord-west areas of Romania. The fauna and flora specific to the Arad county are represented in a diorama organised according to the landforms: lowlands (lake, steppe, plain), hills and mountains, completed with the reconstitution of a cave ecosystem.
The most important exhibits of the paleontological collection, most of the coming from the Arad area, are displayed along with a rich additional material meant to offer a synthetic view on the evolution of life on earth.