About European mink (Mustela lutreola) Danube Delta
The European Mink (Mustela lutreola) is one of the rarest mammals in Europe. Currently, there exist only a few isolated populations in France, Belarus, Russia and Romania.
The Danube's Delta is one of the last refuges of this species. Here lives a population with great chances of survival. The specialists believe that in the Danube's Delta the population of European Mink consists of 300 to 400 specimens. In the Danube's Delta, the European Mink inhabits the high areas, where it builds its burrow, but it can be found also on plains or hollows.
The European Mink has a completely brown fur, with the exception of its lips. Its lips have some white spots, with a variable size and position.
The mink feeds on aquatic creatures, mammals and small birds and it is one of the fewest predatory mammals that stores food. This process happens during autumn, when the mink gathers between 10 and 12 Kg of food.
Among its natural enemies are larger birds and sometimes even the otter.
For many years, the European Mink was hunted for its fur. Today, it is forbidden to hunt minks, but poaching is still practiced. The European Mink is protected by many international laws and it is completely protected by the Romanian hunting legislation.