About AGAPIA VECHE Hermitage
Agapia Veche Hermitage is situated at 2 km from Agapia Monastery. This is one of the oldest religious settlements from Moldavia.
Patron of the monastery: “Schimbarea la Fata a Domnului – The Changing of the Face – of Jesus” (6 August)
Agapia Veche Hermitage is located on a hill at approximately 2 km from the Monastery Agapia and this is the birth point of the religious life in this area. Here, in the second half of the XIV century, some monks led by the monk Agapie raised a wood church on the place that is known today as “Livada Parintilor – The Orchard of the Parents” – the name comes from the fact that the monks worked very hard to have here an orchard. The name of the entire place, including the hermitage, the monastery and the village comes from the monk Agapie.
At the end of the XV century a new wooden church was built here at Agapia Veche Hermitage together with some cells for the monks. In time the church becomes too small for the rising number of monks and for that reason in the XVI century, Petru Rares and lady Elena built here the first stone church.
Agapia Veche Hermitage had a great impact not only on the religious life but also on the social life. Here was the place where many men and sons of boyars went to school.
In the XVII century takes place the movement of the monks in a new location that is known today as Agapia Monastery or Agapia from the Valley. This is the moment when Agapia Veche Hermitage becomes a place of solitude and prayer where the old monks can live their religious life in peace.
In the year 1680, because of the unstable terrain, the church from Agapia Veche is badly affected. The church was rebuilt by lady Anastasia, the wife of Gheorghe Duca-Voda and receives the patron that is celebrated today.
Between 1990 and 1994 was built a new church from stone. The ornaments are from sculpted oak and the interior walls are painted with a fresco.
Today we can see only the bell-tower (XVII century), a massive stone building. It is interesting to know that 7 churches were built here over time as a proof of the determination of the people from this place. The guest house is located outside the hermitage because it is forbidden for any stranger to remain inside the hermitage during the night.
Agapia Veche Hermitage remains an important place for the orthodox religion and for the Romanian culture.