About Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) Danube Delta
The Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) is a species with a population of 2000 to 2100 specimens in the Danube's Delta. It migrates towards warmer areas during September and it comes back in April.
It has a black beak, contrasting with its completely white plumage. During pairing season, its head is covered by a crest of ornamental feathers.
The little egret nests in both specific and mixed colonies, alongside other species of herons and cormorants. It prefers to build its nest in willows and grey willows. The nest is made out of thin and dry branches.
The little egret has an active manner of fishing, following its prey. One can find it on the shore and in shallow waters. It enjoys fish, frogs and tadpoles. This bird has a fast and energetic flight. During feeding, the flock does not have a strategy and most of the times the birds fish individually.
Pairing season begins during the middle of April and the female lays 1 to 3 eggs.
While the shores are flooded and the water does not retreat, the egret is forced to travel large distances in order to feed its nestlings.
Reed arsons, the narrowing of feeding areas and the parasite infestations are factors which endanger the species.
The little egret is a nature's monument and it is enlisted among the vulnerable species in the Danube Delta's Biosphere Reservation.