CASA ROMANA Guesthouse & Restaurant Sibiu
About CASA ROMANA Guesthouse & Restaurant Sibiu
Situated in the city centre, only 5 minutes away from Grand Station, Casa Romana Guesthouse & Restaurant is the perfect location for holidays, business trips or a one or several day stay. Built in 2008, under the roof of a Saxon house in the historic city centre of Sibiu, not far away from the Ursuline Roman- Catholic Church, it offers you the possibility of having a drink or a meal very close to the 0 zone of 2007 European Cultural Capital Sibiu. The relaxing, bohemian and cultural atmosphere of Casa Romana Guesthouse will definitely convince you to come back here.
The colourful design, the charmful ambiance as well as the tasty meals represent more reasons for you to come to Casa Romana. The menu is customized, being supported by the two generation experience in cooking traditional Romanian dishes. The qualified staff of the guesthouse prepares and offers their clients both traditional and international cuisine.
We are waiting for you to enjoy your meal in the classical and elegant atmosphere of Casa Romana Restaurant.
With a 60-seat capacity, this is the perfect place for a meeting with friends, business partners, events or private parties (christenings, anniversaries, birthdays, etc).