The Wooden Church of Budesti-Josani

The Wooden Church of Budesti-Josani is situated in the historical region of Maramures, on the valley of the Cosau River, and it was built of the oak beams arranged according to the Blockbau system in 1643, by the local villagers. The large structure is covered by a roof with double eaves and four corner pinnacles at the base of the tower’s roof indicate that the village had a council with judging rights.
The interior of the Wooden Church of Budesti-Josani was painted in 1762 by Alexandru Ponehalski. Here one can see the remarkable collection of 17th century glass icons with golden, geometrical backgrounds. Inside the pronaos is preserved the coat of mail of Pintea the Brave, a legendary character and hero born in these places.

Photos by Cosmin Danila