The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant
About The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant
The Museum of the Romanian Peasant, set up on February 5th, 1990, is regarded as the continuer of certain museum traditions dating even as far back as 1875 when, as the proposal of literary critic Titu Maiorescu, the first textile art section "with tissues woven in the country" was founded as an annex of the National Museum of Antiquities. On October 11th, 1906, thanks to the efforts made by a large number of prominent personalities of the epoch, an autonomous Romanian Folk Art Museum was finally set up. Alexandru Tzigara-Samurcas, an eminent art historian, was appointed director of this museum and it was due to his efforts that this institution acquired soon a prestigious scientific and cultural statute.
Subsequently, in 1912, the corner stone of the National Art Museum was laid on the former Mint building premises. The foundation document, signed by King Carol I and which was also laid at the cornerstone of this edifice, read: "With the aim of rendering homage to the art of our ancestors by giving it the shelter its importance requires". Architect N. Ghica-Budesti was in charge of the design and management of the building works.
The Museum of the Romanian Peasant, is part of the European family of Traditional Arts Museums. The museum has rich collections of objects and it is housed in a Neo-Romanian style building which is a historical monument. It has a very interesting graphic for a museum due to which, in 1996, the museum received the EMYA – European Museum of the Year Award.
The original display style, is carried over to the publications of the museum, to activities like The Missionary Museum, The School of the Village (‘Scoala Satului), or other events like concerts or conferences. The museum hosts, besides the permanent collection, temporary expositions, different topic fairs and a creative workshop for children.
Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 AM to 06.00 PM
Closed on Mondays