The story begins in 2000 AD...and it was still being written in 2007 AD. And, trust us when we say we are not going to write its end! As we learned at geography classes, the Italian „boot” „kicks” the Sicilian ball. Well, some time before the year 2000, we had the pleasant surprise to see that Sicilian people found a way to return Italy this “punishment”. In their turn, they “kicked” the Italians exactly where it hurts the most: pizza! They sat and thought, and eventually, they came up with certain kinds of pizza in front of which the Italian cuisine had nothing else to do but to bow. Finally, we found out what they did and especially, HOW they did it. We thought that this “ball” could also “kick” Romania. Deal. There was a “bruise” as a result of the “kick”, and this is called Fabaria. And, because it’s about a “bruise”, of course it started to extend on the patient called Romania after a while.  At first, less visibly, only locally in Constanta, from the “kicking” place, Mihai Viteazu street to Ovidiu Square. 

Then, in order to extend faster, also on Mihai Viteazu Street, a new home delivery unit opened. Summer came, „the disease” developed faster, to the north, in Mamaia Resort, opposite Rex Hotel, next to the lake. Once here, it was not hard to go further to Butoaie, in Mamaia too. Do you think it stopped after this? No. We thought that after it had ceased for a while, it would stop forever. We were wrong! It appeared in Ovidiu! Right on the street that crosses the whole city. At first, we thought it was not what we expected because it had another name, Sagesta, but you have to take our word that under this cover, there’s Fabaria, too. You could say that things are still under control as everything happens at also called local level. Yes, we know, this is what we thought until one beautiful spring day in 2006 when it was more than obvious that things got out of control…Bucharest! 10, Austrului Street! Between Foisorul de Foc and ProTV! Fabaria!!! The fact that even here it had a code name (Aegades) didn’t trick anybody. We are wondering what is next…